Board of Supervisors

The Clallam Conservation District is governed by a five member Board of Supervisors. They generously volunteer their time to help represent, lead, and serve the district. The supervisors bring additional knowledge, experience, and unique perspectives to support and strengthen the mission of the district. They are responsible to oversee policy, financial and district operations.

The Board of Supervisors is made up of two appointed supervisors and three elected supervisors. They must all be registered voters in Clallam County. They all serve a three-year term. At least two of the elected and one of the appointed supervisors must be local landowners of a farm.


Christy Cox, Chair

Christy has served on the Clallam Conservation District board with pride for three years, and she looks forward to serving many more. In her years on the CCD Board, Christy has spent time as the Board Chair and Auditor along with leading subcommittees on elections and human resources.

In her work life, Christy owns and operates Olympic Roots Farm, a small regenerative farm on six acres at the base of the Olympic Mountains. Christy utilizes no-till practices to feed our community healthy, naturally grown produce through a CSA subscription program and vending at the Port Angeles Farmer’s Market.

Christy is married to the love of her life, Kasia, mother to four amazing children, a loving aunt to 7 nieces and nephews, and the pup parent to one well-fed farm dog, Waldo.

Being the first openly queer supervisor on the CCD Board, Christy brings a unique perspective and a tenacious attitude. As a farmer, an environmentalist, and a mother, she cares deeply about local resource conservation and restoration and believes that we can accomplish significant positive change in Clallam County, together.


Nicole Rasmussen, Vice-Chair

Nicole Rasmussen joined the Board of Supervisors in Spring of 2022 and has worked along the Washington coast for the past 15 years as a biologist. Her favorite parts of living in Forks and getting to work in the west end of the district with its natural conditions of the habitat and watersheds. Without much development and populations of people, the remoteness brings lots of recreational opportunities and being able to enjoy the beauty of nature. She believes its vital to protect ecosystems and the natural resources while they are still intact – protect the best, and restore the rest! Nicole joined the board because it’s important to bring attention to the western end of the district and look at the entire distrtict for natural resource concerns. Her greatest part of serving on the board is getting to hear the environmental issues going on across the entire County and play a small role in the positive impacts the CCD is making to help protect natural resources. 


Wendy Rae Johnson, Auditor

Wendy Rae Johnson is a retired small business owner. She is a soil advocate and climate solutions educator. She moved to Port Angeles with her husband in 2020 and is active in community service. She enjoys learning, teaching, volunteering, rowing crew, gardening, hiking, backpacking, biking, traveling and being outdoors in the beauty of nature.

After extensive training with the Soil health Academy, she sought to apply her skills in her local community, so she started volunteering on local farms and was elected to the CCD Board in the spring of 2023. She believes conservation and restoration is the most important solution for the future and stewardship is the responsibility of her generation.

Port Angeles is her forever home and volunteering for the betterment of the community is deeply rooted in her values. She is grateful to be a part of conservation on a local level at CCD.


Lori DeLorm, Supervisor

Lori DeLorm joined the Board of Supervisors in the Spring of 2021. Lori is a lifelong Sequim resident and has worked as a water quality technician for the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe for the past 24 years. 

Lori is also a Jamestown S’Klallam Tribal Citizen with close ties to the community, and is dedicated to conservation, protection, and enhancement of natural resources.


Ben Smith, Supervisor

Bio coming soon.


Associate Supervisors

In addition to the Board of Supervisors, another role is the Associate Supervisor.

Associate Supervisors are non-voting members, appointed by the board, who also serve voluntarily and attend meetings and trainings, and can serve on various committees as directed by the board. Associate Supervisors contribute expertise and perspectives that are otherwise not represented on the board. The position of Associate Supervisor is evaluated on an annual basis. They can be voted onto the board at any time during the year.  An unlimited number of Associate Supervisors can serve on the board. 
Express your interest in becoming an Associate Supervisor by coming to the monthly board meeting or by filling out the application for Associate Supervisor and sending it into


Current Associate Supervisor: Susannah Spock