Board of Supervisors Elections and Appointments

District Information

Each Conservation District in Washington is governed by a five-member board, referred to as “supervisors.” Three supervisors are elected by registered voters in the district. Two are appointed by the State Conservation Commission. As dictated by state statute, at least two of the elected and one of the appointed supervisors must own land or operate a farm in the district. The term of office is three years, and supervisors serve without compensation. State statute also requires conservation district elections to be held in the first quarter of the calendar year.


  • February 18 – Elected Candidate Information & Statement Due to Clallam CD by 4:00pm.

  • February 20 – Candidates Announced on Clallam CD Website

  • February 21 – Deadline to Request Mail-In Ballot by 2:00pm.

  • February 26- Ballots available for pick up at the CCD office and requested ballots mailed out.

  • March 18 – In-Person Election Day, 1:00 - 6:00 (all mail-in ballots must be postmarked by this day)

  • March 18 - Ballot counting open for public viewing. Starts at 6:00p.m. and goes until all ballots are counted.

  • March 21 – Initial election Results Posted on Clallam CD Website.

  • March 27- Postmarked ballots counted, starts at 1:00 and goes until all ballots are counted. Open for public viewing

  • March 31 - Appointed Candidate Application Due to WA State Conservation Commission. Applications are received by the WSCC from Feb. 28 2025 thru March 31, 2025

  • April 2 - Ballot Results reported on Clallam CD Website. Election must be certified by WA State Conservation Commission in May to be finalized.

  • May 2025 - Election Certified by WA State Conservation Commission. Election results are not valid until certified by WA State Conservation Commission

  • June - Elected Board Member Seated


If you would like to get on our list to receive a mail out ballot please, submit a mail-in ballot request.


About the Elected Supervisor Position

The current elected seat, held by Christy Cox will be expiring in May 2025. If you are interested in running for an elected position please see the guidelines below.

Interested in running for a position on CCD’s board of supervisors?


Appointed Supervisor Position

Would you like to be considered for an appointed position on Clallam CD’s Board of Supervisors? The Washington State Conservation Commission appoints two of Clallam CD’s five board members. The next appointed position held by Supervisor Nicole Rasmussen expires May 2025; the Commission will appoint a supervisor to serve on Clallam Conservation District’s board in 2025. The window for applications for the appointed seat is January 1, 2025 through March 31, 2025. Applications can be submitted during this time frame.


Meet the 2025 Candidates

Coming soon!

Don’t forget to vote

This years election will be held on March 18, 2025 according to the CCD Resolution #24-016 - The CCD Election resolution was passed at a regular board meeting on December 10, 2024. It is resolved that a poll site and mail in election for an open elected board of Supervisors position will be held. Election Day is March 18, 2025. Polls open at 1:00 PM and close at 6:00 PM. Ballot counting will be open for public viewing starting at 6:00p.m. and goes until all ballots are counted. Postmarked ballot counting is open to the public on March 27, 2025 from 1:00-until all ballots are counted. Candidate Information and optional statement for the Elected position are due to the district office by February 18, 2025. Applications for the Appointed Supervisor position are due March 31, 2025 to the State Conservation Commission.

Voters must be registered to vote in Clallam County. Votes are accepted both in-person and by mail for the election. All mail in ballots must be postmarked by election day. The polls will be open for in-person voting on March 18, 2025 between 1:00PM to 6:00PM at the Clallam Conservation District office located at 228 W First Street, Suite H in Port Angeles, WA. 98362.