Your contribution will support clean water, salmon restoration, healthy soils, farm planning and protection, and habitat improvement for years to come in Clallam County.

Clallam Conservation District is a local environmental conservation agency that relies on grants, for its funding to support educational, environmental, and conservation programs. We need the help of your tax-deductible contributions. We are not a state, federal, or county agency.

A conservation district is classified as a Sec. 501(c)(1) organization and as such, any donations or gifts to the district qualify as charitable contributions under IRS Code Section 170(c)(1) and may be deductible as such on the donor’s income tax return.

Conservation Districts are allowed to accept public donations, pursuant to RCW 89.08.220 regarding the corporate status and powers of conservation districts, which reads:

“Districts have the power to obtain options upon and to acquire in any manner, except by condemnation, by purchase, exchange, gift, bequest, devise or otherwise any property, real or personal, or rights or interests therein; to maintain, administer and improve any properties acquired, to receive income from such properties and to expend such income in carrying out the purposes and provisions.

Every dollar helps to put more trees in the ground, helps provide salmon habitat, keeps water clean and keeps agriculture thriving in Clallam County. If you would like to donate to Clallam Conservation District please click on the DONATE button below, or checks can be mailed to our office:

Clallam Conservation District, 228 W. First St, Suite H, Port Angeles, WA 98362

Thank you so much for your contributions.
