Contact Us

Address: 228 W. First St., Ste. H, Port Angeles, WA 98362.
Clallam Conservation District's office is located at Armory Square in downtown Port Angeles.  

Office hours:  Tuesday - Thursday from 9AM to 4PM; We are also available by appointment on Monday and Friday. Please email or phone to set up an appointment if visiting our office outside office hours.


Phone:  360-775-3747  - see extension numbers below or dial ext. 5

Newsletter: We publish an eNewsletters once a month or every two months, and 1 hard copy newsletter per year. Manage Subscription.

Public Records Requests: Kim Williams is the Public Records Officer. Please submit public records requests to BOTH and


Kim Williams, District Manager
360-775-3747 Ext. 6

Jayne Bloomberg, Office Administrator
360-775-3747 Ext. 4

Meghan Adamire, Conservation Planner
360-775-3747 Ext. 1

Jennifer Bond, Conservation Planner
360-775-3747 Ext. 2

Board of Supervisors

  • Christy Cox - Chair

  • Nicole Rasmussen - Vice-Chair

  • Wendy Rae Johnson - Auditor

  • Ben Smith - Member

  • Lori Delorm - Member

Board members may be contacted through email to the district office at

You may also fill out the form below with your questions and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Thank You!


Pursuant to RCW 4.96.020 If you feel that you need to submit a claim to the Clallam Conservation District you can access a claims for damages form HERE.