Pacific Crabapple


Pacific Crabapple


Bundle of 10 trees

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Malus fusca is also known as the Oregon Crab, Western Crabapple, or Wild Crabapple. Deciduous thicket-forming shrub or small tree, often with several trunks to 30 feet, sometimes more. Spur shoots abundant on older branches. Flowers in small upright clusters, each two centimeters wide, five rounded white or rarely pink petals. Fruit 12-19 millimeters long, usually longer than wide, yellow-green to red, edible but sour.


Sun or partial shade.  Apparently not fussy about soil, a "wetlander" plant. Native range along the Pacific Coast, from southern Alaska south to northern California, up to 1,000 ft (305 m) elevation.  Usually found on moist sites near streams and other wet places.

Beneficial Uses

Provides shelter for birds and animals.  Used as a sweet jelly or mashed for immediate consumption.  Traditional medicinal uses include concoctions derived from the bark mixed with water for the treatment of intestinal disorders, as an eye wash, for lung ailments, treatment for cuts and abrasions or as a tea for stomach problems.  Traditionally the wood was used for tools for fishing and for tent stakes.