Official Election Results are in!

The Washington State Conservation Commission, Board of Commissioners certified the 2024 elected Supervisor results on May 15, 2024. Lori Delorm is the certified winner of our election. Welcome Lori, to a second term serving as an elected Supervisor for the Clallam Conservation District.

Lori DeLorm: 256 votes

Judy May Larson: 62 votes

The Washington State Conservation Commission also appointed Bennett Smith for another term as CCD Supervisor. Welcome back Ben!

Each conservation district in Washington State is overseen by a board of five supervisors. Three Supervisors are elected by registered voters within the district, and two are appointed by the Washington State Conservation Commission. The term of office for each supervisor is three years. The Board of Supervisors generously volunteer their time and meet once a month to discuss district business, oversee district finances, and provide guidance on district activities. The CCD is looking forward to getting a lot of excellent conservation projects done this year!

August 13th, 2024 at 3:00PM

Hybrid meeting held both in-person and via Zoom


Our next monthly board meeting is being held on Tuesday, August 13th, at 3:00PM. Members of the public are welcome to join our meeting either in-person or through Zoom. Please click the button below to access the meeting information.

2023 Accomplishments:

We at Clallam Conservation District had a busy year! Here is a little lookback at the conservation efforts we were able to achieve in 2023.